Writing and Learning Services in the UoG Library offer workshops and consultations throughout the summer.
The writing workshops offered this summer are:
Brainfood (June 5&6) offers fundamental sessions on research, writing, and learning, as well as advanced sessions, to accommodate graduate student needs at the various stages. Attend one session or attend them all.
Dissertation Boot Camp (application deadline May 10) targets the needs of all ABD PhD candidates, as well as MA thesis-track students, who have started the writing stage.
EAL (English as Additional Language) Writing Camp (June 26-29) is designed to help EAL graduate students develop their critical reading, writing and grammatical skills in order to help them edit their own work faster and more effectively.
Writing Tune-Up (July 19&20 or August 22&23) provides grammar, style, and paraphrasing instruction for all writers.
The learning workshops offered this summer are:
Presentation Boot Camp (June 2) is an intensive workshop where you will learn to improve your presentation skills.
Graduate on Time (June 21) provides strategies for time management, procrastination, and prioritization.
Individual writing consultations include:
50-minute writing appointments with professional staff consultants are effective for helping graduate students clarify their ideas and structure their documents before sending drafts to their professors and supervisors.
English Language appointments with professional staff consultants are effective for helping EAL graduate students clarify their ideas and structure their documents before sending drafts to their professors and supervisors.
You can find out more by:
going to Get Assistance - Writing on the Library website
going to Get Assistance - Studying on the library website
emailing writing@uoguelph.ca
following the twitter account: @ugwriting